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What If?

I listened to a podcast last month (sorry I cant remember which one) where the guest was Hannah Papp. She talked about her book, The Mystical Backpacker and her adventures. It piqued my interest…so I ordered the book and have been reading it ever since. Last night (while the husband was watching TV) I took myself off to the back room, put on some music and finished the final part.

Back in 1999/2000 26 year old Hannah quit her job, grabbed a map and a backpack and embarked on a journey across Europe in search of herself. I love this idea. When I was 26 I had a husband, a mortgage and 3 kids! lol

Times have changed so much in the last 30 years. When I was in my teens it was just accepted that I would get married, have kids, and be a stay at home mum. There didn’t really seem to be any other options lol. I wasn’t brainy enough for University (back in the mid 1980’s you had to be academically above average to go to University) and the careers advisor just suggested I get an office job until I got married lol.

I often wonder what my life would be like now if i’d been born in the 70’s or 80’s. I am so pleased that women have more options today. That they can have adventures if they want to. A few years ago my daughter went to work in Venice for a couple of years. I missed her, of course, but encouraged her 100% to go. Don’t get me wrong, i’m not saying I regret my life (i’m not brave enough to do what Hannah did, or even what my daughter did), but its so satisfying to know that my grand daughters will have far more opportunities than I ever had.

Interestingly, Hannah chose to come home (to the USA), get married and have a family. Good for her I say…she found herself, and made that choice because she’d seen another side to life and chose the one she wanted.

I’ve never really been big on travel, well, not to other countries (i’ve always been happiest in England…i’m not a fan of hot climates). But I really enjoy exploring the UK and I love road trips…I think thats what appealed to me about getting a motorhome. I’m kind of content to read about other women’s adventures, but, there is a tiny part of me that thinks…what if? 😉

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